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These materials are copyright Western Civilisation Pty Ltd.


They are brought to you courtesy of Style Master CSS Editor and Westciv's standards based web development courses.

Please see our website for detailed copyright information or contact us [email protected].

Style Master - Windows screenshots


Valid (X)HTML and CSS templates Easily create a template for your blog WYSIWYG CSS Editing
Templates Blog Templates WYSIWYG
Reveal the HTML beneath with X-Ray Create page layouts without tables Easily style pages in blogs and other CMS's
X-Ray Layout Wizard Blogs and CMS's


Syntax coloring: more than just pretty print Create CSS based on existing web pages Find statements quickly in the statement list
Syntax Color Legacy HTML Find Statements
Smart sections in action Statements in the statement list sorted by selector type Intelligent auto complete
Smart Sections Sort by Type Intelligent auto complete


Report unused statements for easy removal Validation in action See the computed style for any element
Find Unused CSS Validation in Action Show computed Style

No other software helps you design, code and debug your CSS better. Period.